Thanks to You

Taylor's Story

The power of immunotherapy and why PA Research Foundation is your place to give, because when you give you save.

Thanks to amazing supporters like you we have helped the staff of the PA to save countless lives and improve the health of countless more. By choosing us as your place to give, you ensure that patients and their families continue to receive the very best possible care.

"I know better than most people how important research is, it's the reason why I am here today."

- Gemma, PA Hospital Patient and mum to Hayley and Will, and wife of Scott.

Patient Support

We meet people every day at the PA who tell us just how well they’ve been cared for and that the hospital means the world to them as a result. Much of their gratitude is due to the incredible generosity of our supporters.


To everyday people diagnosed with cancer and other serious medical conditions, research is much more than scientist in a lab, research is hope.

Thanks to kind and generous people like you we have funded dozens of research projects and continue to fund more every year.

The Foundation is committed to funding research across the spectrum of diseases and debilitating conditions including liver and kidney disease, lymphoedema, schizophrenia, bladder cancer, bowl cancer and emergency medicine with a key focus on breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and head and neck cancer.

It’s incredible people like you that make hope possible and you are the reason that we say when you give you save, because you truly do.

Vital Equipment

The incredible kindness of those who choose us their place to give, has enabled us to fund several lifesaving pieces of equipment and infrastructure upgrades at the PA including;

  • A major upgrade to the Gamma Knife Centre of Queensland which has allowed it to treat hundreds more brain tumours patients a year.
  • A prototype of the VECTRA 3D whole body imaging machine which identifies melanomas and skin cancers, a program that is now rolling out across the country, potentially saving millions of lives.
  • A LEICA LMD7 Microscope which identifies the type of amyloidosis a patient has which will help amyloid patients all over Australia
  • An Eyesii Surgical Simulator which trains the next generation of eye surgeons to undertake cataract surgery
  • A liver perfusion machine which helps preserve and maintain the function of donated livers until they can be transplanted into a recipient.

Staff Education

When PA staff and scientists have the chance to learn and connect it’s the patients who benefit. That’s why, thanks to our community, we are committed to funding staff education and collaboration at PA.

We have seen firsthand the lives that have been saved by collaboration by the PA’s multidisciplinary teams and that’s why we’re passionate about helping the PA to maintain its status as a leader and innovator in healthcare.

Because of the amazing support we receive, we are able to provide funding to 18 medical events and conferences each year, fostering collaboration between more than 9,000 medical professionals and researchers as a result. 

Rob Lietzow

Thank you on behalf of Rob Lietzow

3d ago

Kay Foster

3d ago

Trina Partridge

I’d like to make this donation on my dad’s birthday - he passed of Glioblastoma and the PA was wonderful.

3d ago


5d ago

Craig and Tina Dietz

5d ago

The Belcher

6d ago

Ossi Laurikainen

In memory Mickey Mole

6d ago


6d ago

Patricia Bell

9d ago


10d ago