The man with the harmonica

06 Mar 2025
As well volunteering to provide music to patients and visitors of the PA Hospital, Joe Watts has supported the Foundation by providing music at events including at the 40th anniversary event with some of our biggest supporters, pictured here.

If you’ve ever been to the PA Hospital on a Tuesday or Thursday you’ve more than likely enjoyed the relaxing sounds of Joe Watts and his harmonica.

The volunteer of 12 years has raised thousands of dollars for the hospital and the Foundation during that time, including approximately $10,000 in 2024 by busking with his harmonica in the main hospital foyer.

In this "Friends of the Foundation" feature, we get to know a little bit more about one of the most friendly and familiar faces to many at the PA Hospital.

How did you come to start supporting the PA hospital through volunteering?

I was in Bunya Ward as a patient, I had just had amputation, and I heard the music group playing in banksia ward and I went over and joined them. I was only learning how harmonicas then and I’m still learning.
The first three volunteers that were around there playing music made me think well I can help. I can put my name down and all that sort of thing. It started off from there.

What led to the amputation?

I've got vascular disease.

Were you driven to volunteer here at PA Hospital by a desire to say thank you for your care? The care is very good. I've been through so many operations here. Thousands and thousands of dollars’ worth of operations I have had here for free so it’s my way of giving back.

Triple bypass. There's a lot of money. All here except for one was at Westmead Hospital in Sydney.

On a typical day, busking like what gives you the most joy doing it?

Being thanked by people who come by means everything to me. Just being able to give some sort of pleasure to the listeners and when they come up to me and say ‘thank you very much, very beautiful music’ that gives me a real boost. I get so much out of volunteering here.

Do you play any other instruments?

Just the harmonica with any sort of ability. I can play an organ as long as there's a beat and there's a backing track or something like that. I'm right.

Volunteers are now managed by the Foundation. How have you found us to work with?

Perfect mate. Absolutely perfect. They couldn't do anything more for me.

Do you support any other causes or charities or just the PA?

Just the PA. I used to do peer support for amputees. Two years ago, but it was too much for me to do. I'm on the harmonica for six hours, then I’d go and visit the amputees, and it made for a very long day. So, I had to give one up and I decided to stay with what I loved doing the most.

What's a surprising fact that most people wouldn't know about you?

Most people these days don’t know I’d been in New Guinea for 10 years when I was younger. I worked there as a spare parts manager for Isuzu Trucks.

I used to be able to understand and speak. 3 Languages up there plus English. You’ve got pigeon which I used to be able to speak pretty well. Then you’ve got the language they speak if you’re from the Rabel area which I used to be able to speak a bit of as well as the main language in Port Moresby, which I can speak and understand most of what people are saying in. At least I used to be able to.

That's a great answer, thanks for your time, Joe, and for everything you do for the PA.